International high school

Study in one of the best high schools abroad and enjoy a unique international experience, immerse yourself in the culture of the country you choose, expand your opportunities.

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Group programs

Travel, meet, develop your language skills, live with native students, visit a company, “YOU WILL LIVE A UNIQUE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE”

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Spelling bee

This program aims to promote students learning of the English language, guiding the participant towards spelling excellence, expanding their vocabulary, assimilating new concepts, stimulating healthy competition with other students, fostering teamwork, developing self-confidence, and Stimulating the capacity of observation.

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Training (Teaching and Business)

Our programs achieve innovation through educational, methodological, didactic and technological approaches; adapting to changes in society.

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Opportunities abroad (Job Exchange)

This new program is designed for people 21 years of age or older who want to improve language skills to enter the Canadian workforce.

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Language Buddy Program


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Adventure Program Cancún

Combine studies and recreation with new friends in another country, develop leadership and teamwork skills by strengthening your English.

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English Platform

With the description: English with Cobi Education provides the opportunity to manage distance learning environments, with the purpose of preparing and certifying our students.

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Summer Camp

Combine studies and recreation with new friends in another country

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Bambino Entrepreneur

Diversity of workshops for the training of entrepreneurial students, implementing the universal language in the diverse range of projects.

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Training and Consulting for the Language Coordination in your Institution

We support you to work together through consultancy for the improvement and implementation of bilingual area coordination in your educational institution.

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Study with us,
grow worldwide.

Our spheres

Group programs

Travel, meet, develop your language skills, live with native students, visit a company, “YOU WILL LIVE A UNIQUE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE”

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Language center

Take advantage of this unique offer, certify your students and turn your school into a certifying center. Also, get access to our exclusive platform, throughout the school year.

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Spelling bee

This program aims to promote the learning of the English language, guiding the participant to spelling excellence and stimulates healthy competition.

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International high school

Study in one of the best high schools abroad and enjoy a unique international experience, immerse yourself in the culture of the country you choose, expand your opportunities.

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Training (Teaching and Business)

Our programs achieve innovation through educational, methodological, didactic and technological approaches; adapting to changes in society.

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Opportunities abroad (Job Exchange)

This new program is designed for people 21 years of age or older who want to improve language skills to enter the Canadian workforce.

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Our destinations










+ 100 Destinations

Who trust us

Our numbers

image hotspot



More than 9,700 students have obtained an international certification.



Receiving preparation by foreign teachers in more than 1,000 campuses.



We visit more than 250 cities around the world.



More than 900 schools have lived the great experience.



We have visited more than 50 companies around the world.

